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순수한 영혼의 사색과 사랑 그 영원한 삶의 에스프리

붓꽃 독백

붓꽃 독백 - 엄마가 없는 아이

붓꽃 에스프리 2011. 4. 15. 13:05



인생에서 사랑하는 우리 부모님들이 한 생애를 맞추고


궁극적으로 우리 인간은 모두가 언젠가는 고아가 된다.


우리 또한 그 길을 걸어 갈 것이고

우리 자손들과 지구상의 모든 인류가

그 길을 자자손손 종족번식을 하고

영원히 지구와 인류가 존재하는 한 걸어 갈 것이다.


지나간 우리 미국 역사속에서 뼈아픈 노예의 역사를 갖고 살아가는

흑인들의 고통을 노래한 흑인영가를 학교에서 돌아와 우연히 만나게 되었다.

듣노라면 눈물이 난다.


우리들의 어머니, 엄마, 어머님

우리들의 마더, 맘, 마미를 생각하면

언제든지 뜨거운 눈물이 솟구친다 그리고 난다.

인종과 피부색과 무관한 것이 있다면

그것은 숭고한 어머니란 이름이다.


죽는 순간에도 나이와 무관하게 사람들은

엄마를 찾는다...팔십 구십에도....


울지마/Don't cry................

그러면서 이 순간 나도 바보처럼 뜨거운 눈물을 흘리고 있다.

어머니/맘을 생각하면서......











Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child/때로는 엄마가 없는 아이 같아요 


|: Sometimes I feel
Like a motherless child :|
Sometimes I feel
Like a motherless child
|: A Long Way From Home :|
True Believer
|: A Long Way From Home :|

|: Sometimes I feel
Like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel
Like a motherless child :|
|: Sometimes I wish I could fly,
Like a bird up in the sky :|
Sometimes I wish I could fly,
Like a bird in the sky
Little closer to home

|: Motherless children
Have a real hard time :|
Motherless children
Have a such a real hard time
So long so long so long

|: Sometimes I feel
Like a motherless child :|
Sometimes I feel
Like a motherless child
So far away

|: Sometimes I feel
Like freedom is near :|
Sometimes I feel
Like freedom is near
But we're so far away

|: Sometimes I feel
Like it's close at hand :|
Sometimes I feel
Like the freedom is near
But we're so far from home

|: Sometimes, sometimes, |
|: So far, so far, so far, :|
So far Mama from you, so far






Marian Anderson, contralto, was denied the right to perform at Constitution Hall

by the DAR because of her color. Instead, and at the urging of Eleanor Roosevelt,

Harold Ickes permitted her to perform at the Lincoln Memorial on April 9, 1939.


이 클립은 미국 역사의 한 페이지가 되는 아주 중요한 것이다.

인종차별로 인하여서 흑인으로서 매리언 앤더슨은 헌법홀에서 공연을 거절당하고

결국 노천 에이브러햄 링컨 기념탑 앞에서 1939년 4월 9일 역사적인 공연을 하게 된다.



작곡가 시벨리우스가 매리언 앤더슨에게 헌정한 곡 "Black Rose/검은 장미"



Artist: Marian Anderson





Marian Anderson (February 27, 1897 – April 8, 1993) was an African American contralto (same range as alto), best remembered for her performance on Easter Sunday, 1939 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.. Anderson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She joined a junior church choir at the age of six, and applied to an all-white music school after her graduation from high school in 1921, but was turned away because she was black. The woman working the admissions counter replied, "We don't take colored" when she tried to apply.

Consequently, she continued her singing studies with a private teacher. She debuted at the New York Philharmonic on August 26, 1925 and scored an immediate success, also with the critics. In 1928, she sang for the first time at Carnegie Hall. Her reputation was further advanced by her tour through Europe in the early 1930s where she did not encounter certain racial prejudices she had experienced in America.

The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius dedicated his Solitude to her. In 1935 impresario Sol Hurok took over as her manager and was with her for the rest of her performing career. In 1939, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) refused to allow Anderson to sing to an integrated audience in Constitution Hall because of her race. The District of Columbia, then under the control of the Congress and President Franklin D.

Roosevelt, also banned her for the same reason from using the auditorium of a white public high school. As a result of the furor which followed, thousands of DAR members, including the President's wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, resigned. Ironically, neither Eleanor Roosevelt nor her husband, Franklin Roosevelt, had used their influence in a similar way when the school board turned down Anderson. Finally, at the suggestion of Walter White, the executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes organized an open air concert for Anderson on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

The concert, which commenced with a dignified and stirring rendition of "America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)", attracted an integrated crowd of 75,000 and a much larger radio audience. In 1943, Anderson sang at the invitation of the DAR to an integrated audience at Constitution Hall as part of a benefit for the American Red Cross. By contrast, the federal government continued to bar her from using the high school auditorium in the District of Columbia. on January 7, 1955, Anderson broke the color barrier by becoming the first African-American to perform with the New York Metropolitan Opera. on that occasion, she sang the part of Ulrica in Giuseppe Verdi's Un ballo in maschera.

The occasion was bittersweet as Anderson, at age 58, was no longer in her prime vocally. In 1958 she was officially designated delegate to the United Nations, a formalization of her role as "goodwill ambassador" of the U.S. she played earlier, and in 1972 she was awarded the UN Peace Prize. Marian Anderson appeared on a stamp in 2005. After an extensive farewell tour, she retired from singing in 1965.

However, she continued to appear publicly, narrating Copland's "A Lincoln Portrait," including a performance with the Philadelphia Orchestra at Saratoga in 1976, conducted by the composer. Her achievements were recognized and honored with many prizes, including a Grammy Award for Lifetime Achievement in 1991. In 1993, Anderson died of natural causes at the age of 96 in Portland, Oregon at the home of her nephew, the conductor James DePreist. She is interred at Eden Cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The 1939 documentary film, Marian Anderson: the Lincoln Memorial Concert was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry. on January 27, 2005, a commemorative U.S.

postage stamp honored Marian Anderson with her image on the 37¢ issue as part of the Black Heritage series. She is also recognized on the $5,000 Series I US Savings Bond. Anderson is a recipient of the Silver Buffalo Award, the highest adult award given by the Boy Scouts of America. External links * online exhibition University of Pennsylvania Library, largest online collection of images, includes her papers, audio and film archives. * www.Marian-Anderson.org Metropolitan Opera, New York * Marian Anderson Historical Society * Biography of Marian Anderson Kennedy Center, Washington DC * Virtual Museum of History biography * FemBio biography * Anderson Bio on AfroCentric Voices Readings Freedman, Russell, The Voice that Challenged a Nation, Clarion Books, New York, 2004. Sims, Janet L. An Annoted Bibliography and Discography, Greenwood Press, Connecticut, 1981. Notes Note 1: Some sources give her birthdate as February 17, 1902. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL..